Thursday, January 31, 2008

Husband Tag

Ok, so I'm seriously behind in catching up on everyone's blogs.... I've apparently been tagged for quite some time. Sorry Em!

What is his name? Jaren Walter Brooks. You only add the Walter when you need him to help you clean something.

How long have you been married? 3 years in April
How long did you date? 6 months - but we'd known each other for 9 years.
How old is he? 29 - Old like me!
Who eats more? I totally do! Unless he's having a "super hungry day". But that's okay - because he drinks his weight in Mt. Dew every day.

Who said "I love you" first? Jaren... but I did kiss him first.

Who is taller? Jaren

Who sings better? If you ever get him singing it's one of my favorite things in the world. Especially when he is doing an impression of Collective Soul. Oh that's good!

Who is smarter? Me... I picked him! He got the rough end on the deal.

Whose temper is worse? Jaren doesn't even own a temper. I am the queen B. You may interpret that word however you like. I do all of the repenting. But I will say - I'm usually right! :)

Who does the laundry? I don't know that he knows what laundry is... except that sometimes I make him hang things up.

Who does the dishes? Me... unless he's trying to butter me up. But if I ask him for help - he always steps in.
Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? At the moment I do. We switch because our bed gets lumpy. Stupid bed.
Who pays the bills? I do. And if he does do it, I usually end up paying twice that month.
Who mows the lawn? I love to mow the lawn. I won't let him most of the time. He gets the weed wacker.

Who cooks dinner? Depends on how my day at work was. Bad day = Jaren cooks. Good day = me.

Who drives when you are together? 1/2 and 1/2

Who is more stubborn? I again take the cake. Except in the fact that Jaren refuses to give up Mt. Dew.

Who is the first to admit when they are wrong? Depends on if I've started repenting yet or not.
Whose parents do you see the most? Jaren's - but that's because we live here!

Who proposed? Jaren

Who has more friends? I do. But once Jaren has a friend - they stay for life. (kind of like me!)
Who wears the pants in the family? I do on the stupid every- day stuff, but as for the big decisions - Jaren does.

I'm tagging Donny! And you better do it, or I will sick Lena on you!
p.s. I'm amending my original post - only to note that when Jaren read it - he was standing over me on the computer and drooled onto my face. I'm so lucky!

1 comment:

Russ and Emily Christman said...

It was fun to read about you guys. I will start referring to Jaren as Jaren Walter. I have some chores for him to do at my house.Does he enjoy touching up paint?