Monday, April 6, 2009

Ahhhh... Thank you Enterprise

Warning: This post is very sarcastic and bitter.

If any of you are looking for adventure - may I suggest you look no further. What could be more exciting than waking up at 4:00 am to extreme pain in your side and back, having to drive 20 minutes to get here:

(Please note, there was only one car in the parking lot when we got here too!)

Let me sweeten the deal. I promise that if you come here, you will receive some of the most primitive health care services offered in the great U.S. of A...

I know, it sounds to good to be true.

You will most likely question whether you have landed in another country when they try to push the IV through your valve. "Don't worry, if we leave the catheter half way out like this it will work okay, unless you have to stay - and then we will just do a new one." What the???? Did I mention that afterwards your hand will feel like you have punched a brick wall?

Not tempting enough??? Don't worry, you'll only have to wait another hour and a half for them to give you drugs...

And then, when your sure something dreadful is happening to your body - they will order an ultrasound - that is supposed to be there in 20 minutes according to your Doctor. Don't fret - it will be there in approximately 4 hours, when you have had your poor freezing (did I mention it was 50 degrees in this hospital) husband go and ask what is going on.

"Ooops- we forgot to tell the tech that she needed to do the test during shift change 2 1/2 hours ago! And we didn't figure this out sooner because we don't normally check on our patients."

Your patience will ultimately be tested when they tell you that there is nothing wrong.

See, here's the deal. Even though you've had about 10 kidney stones in your life.... and YOU KNOW what they feel like, you won't be listened to. Don't be bothered if your gum chewing 18 year old ultrasound tech couldn't find a stone - and the doctor this morning told you that you were peeing blood- and then when it comes to diagnosis time - "there's no blood in your urine" - Enjoy!!!

"Here - have another pain killer before we send you home. Ooops!! - Your allergic to Hydrocodone? Oh yes, I see that here in your chart - and that you told us that 15 times today. I'm sorry."

We'll just send ya home now - It's only been 9 hours.


Ok, I'll calm down. On the good side - I know that I never have to go to that hospital again. I will drive the extra 20 minutes or so to get to Flowers Hospital. I'll get better care faster, and maybe they can figure out what a kidney stone looks like. Or at least what the heck is wrong with me.

And now to the real purpose of this post. Let this be a warning - stay away from Enterprise Hospital everyone!


Stephanie said...

Ugh!!! I am sorry!

Mindy said...

I have heard that hospital is horrible, nice of me to let you know now huh? I am sorry you had to go through that on top of the pain you were in! I haven't seen you in forever! Hope you are feeling better now.

This Idaho Girl said...

I will also advise your readers to stay away from the Ozark Hospital. I know it's hard to imagine, but I think it's actually worse than the Enterprise one.

Gwen Owens said...

OH MY GOSH! I shivered especially about the IV comments! What a terrible ordeal! I have gone through issues with urinary tract infections. Same thing.... I have had so many I could diagnose them on other people... but you HAVE to pee in that cup (and yes I have had them say... well there's not many white blood cells or blood... but I guess we'll give you the antibiotics anyway). By the time I pee in their stupid cup I'm drinking a gallon of water an hour! No wonder they can't WBC's... the pee is diluted. Luckily they still give me the antibiotics though.

Sorry that was so long and lame. What I am trying to say is that there is nothing worse than getting such poor care when you are hurt, vulnerable and in pain. I wish I could have been there to smack some of the nurses around and find the stupid stones on the ultrasound myself!

I hope you are feeling better. Love you!