Wednesday, March 12, 2014

A new adventure - Korean style!

I am resuming the blog.  Jaren returned from deployment.    And we moved to Korea.  Oh, and I've had another child since I wrote last...

So I think I'll pretty much just reinvent this blog.  New title and all.  Queen of the Gingerpuffs.  (Thanks for the creative push Janis!)

But I hate the catch up game in pretty much anything ... so let's just roll with where we are now!

On Jan 6th, 2014 - Jaren and I moved the gingerpuffs to Korea.  We found a five bedroom place (that's crazy big for Korea) off post.

 We want to really experience Korea and all that it has to offer.  Lucky for us, our home here has a playground area, and great neighbors with lots of kids around.  We expect to be here for the next two to three years.

Jaren is still flying helicopters, and even got to keep doing the same mission.  They have a real medevac mission here in Korea - and he is so excited to be flying again.    

So far Korea has been full of adventure.  Anytime I step out of my house, I find myself in some sort of adventure.  Grocery shopping - yup adventure!

Running?  Yup - adventure!

You may even find a cautionary tale of "how not to drive" on a run...

How 'bout hiking?  YES PLEASE!  The kids are really enjoying this adventure...

And that just makes my heart sing!  

Anyhow, I am going to post things as they happen now.  I can't wait to share Korea with you.  

1 comment:

Rachel said...

I love this.

And be prepared to be bombarded with questions about Korea because I think we're going to request it after Captain's Career Course. So ... maybe in like a year we might be showing up on your doorstep!