Sunday, August 2, 2009


So I hear that I'm actually supposed to update this thing! Ok, I will do my best to update - and yet not make it a 10 hour read.

What did we do? # 1 - Watched Tour de France. Luckily we have DVR - and didn't need to miss a thing... which is great - because I'm addicted.

#2 - I got a kidney stone. This one was a bit different from all my other stones because it started differently. Felt more like a bladder infection to begin with - and then like all of the others - Pain. Lots of it. 8 mm stone that I luckily passed without needing surgery. Good news - I have another in my kidney just lurking around for another moment I need to be reminded how much I like pregnancy.
There was a very funny part though (as if me having kidney stones doesn't make you laugh already --- admit it old roomies --- it makes you laugh!). The night before was our very first Childbirth class at Flowers hospital. They showed us all the things they would be hooking me up to during the labor, and then we got a tour of the rooms. Very nice rooms. I wasn't quite expecting to be in them - hooked up to all the same monitors the next night... with the same nurse that gave me the tour. I was handling all of this information fine - until they gave me some drugs... and then I had to keep telling myself that I wasn't having the baby... and that it was just a kidney stone.

#3 - All things baby. This is Jaren painting the wall for the room. We are going with Brown and Green with Pink accents for the colors. Look for more pictures when we finish the room.
Here's a random picture Jaren took of my belly.

I'm getting a lot of phone calls from family and friends back home - saying I'm not taking enough of these - so here's two! (And yes... this door is our standard place to take the belly pictures)

Last Friday I made my first baby quilt. I'm really not as crafty as that sounds. I had the inspirational help of my dear friend Sparkle. She has the tools, the know-how, and experience to convince me that such a job can be accomplished. I loved the process of making a quilt... all the way from buying the fabric to sewing the last stitch - totally enjoyable. Also, the process makes me very nervous and scared that I'm going to mess the whole thing up. And yes... Sparkle made me do all of it - that way all of the mess ups I could claim as a right of parenthood - and creation of something all my own for my daughter.

Here's me - 1st time on a surger.
Tying the quilt...

And the finished product! I have to admit that I'm a bit shocked that I pulled this thing off, and that I surged and sewed as straight as I did. Thank you Sparkle - my daughter is going to love her blanket - and love the stories of us making our blankets together.


Marci Brooks said...

yay! wow. look at you proving you actually know you are supposed to update this thing. and the sewing! love the quilt!!! baby is going to love it! and thank you for the preggo pictures! love em! can't believe i'm going to have another baby! :) love ya! tell my baby her favorite aunt says hello!

Gwen said...

YEAH! What a great post!!!! Where to begin. Seeing how beautiful you look pregnant just made me ache inside to see you and hug you... I love the name by the way! I had never thought of it before but it's really beautiful. You are going to get the same reactions we get from Riddick. When people ask and we tell them either we get a "Wow! That is soooo cool!" Which I have to admit is usually from the younger generation. Or the second reaction is... well... nothing. They just look at us funny and pause... and then "oh". It makes me laugh inside. Lots of people don't like the more unique names but I LOVE IT! Did you know that Alex Myers named their baby Cannon, and Graham Watkins just named their baby Primus? Cool names huh?

Oh my dear, I am so sorry about the kidney stones. That is a pretty funny story about seeing the hospital and then the very next day being admitted. I hope you are feeling better and baby is ok. When mommy gets stressed baby does too....

I LOVE the green of the room - I can't wait to see the final product! And I LOVE the quilt! I'm so jealous! I want to make one too! It really does look professional. Nice job! I miss you so profoundly... especially with you being pregnant. I just always wanted to see you prgnant and feel your belly. Maybe with the next one right??

Anyway... sorry this is so freakin' long. I love you!!!!


Russ and Emily Christman said...

You look so cute! I love your little baby bump. It is so weird to remember seeing you in the summer to how much you have changed. Take care.

me said...

You look beautiful! I'm so excited for you. I miss you so much. Love to Jaren and baby :)

Benjamin and Jennie said...

oh brenna it's so fun to see your growing tummy!! you look great!

David and Taryn said...

What a cute post. You look so cute with your belly! I can't wait to see pics of the baby's room when it is all done.

I have always wanted to do a baby quilt but I don't know if I have the patience for it. You did a great job on yours. I hope your other kidney stone magically disappears and you stay feeling better.

Sure do miss you guys. Let us know if you are coming to SLC any time soon so we can throw you a baby shower while you are here! :)

Leenz said...

Thanks for finally updating! You look great.

J. said...

Look at you, Miss Talented with the quilt! And I know you may not feel like it but you look super gorgeous in the preggo pics.

J. said...

Oops, that last comment was from Jenny. :)