Wednesday, December 17, 2008

A word on gifts

In this season of giving, I have been blessed with the opportunity to ponder what it means to receive. My own pride and egocentric nature has always made receiving a very hard thing. It took me a while to let Jaren even pay for me on dates when we were dating.

I recently received a very unexpected and overwhelming gift. The kind that you say - "Ummm... no......... I don't think so...."

To which God responded with a "humbling session." Apparently He wanted me to understand something even more important. To gratefully accept a gift in humility is an act of love. Think of the times when you work really hard for something or someone, and then that act is received with "Ummm.. no... I don't think so...." Let's just say that doesn't make the giver feel appreciated, or even allow them to feel their blessings of service.

Which got me thinking about the gifts I've been given in my life. First and foremost, the gift of the Atonement. What good is this gift, if my own pride will not let me receive it? And that is exactly what my pride does... it convinces me that I can do things on my own - or if I just tried harder - or if I could only be better - then I could do it! Ha! What a great and terrible lie! The fact is, that I will never be good enough on my own... and that if I don't allow myself to receive the gift(s) that I've been given - I will ultimately be miserable.

There are still miracles in this world. There are still angels that do the Lords work, and give gifts that cannot ever be repaid. There is still good in this world. This is the lesson I needed most this Christmas.


Stephanie said...

I like that. Thanks for sharing your experience.

Gwen Owens said...

I love this Brenna. You say things so beautifully. I sure miss our conversations and discussions. I love you!

The Healthy Nutcase said...

Thanks Brenna. I needed to read that. :) and where did you get this pic of Jesus? I love it and want it for our house.